Guidelines for the Students

Our prime concern is to ensure overall development of the child by helping him towards holistic growth. This aspect can only be inculcated in a child's personality if a disciplined lifestyle is introduced in his lifestyle at the nascent level itself. Keeping the same as our prime focus, discipline in school is given prime importance.

A few ground rules that must be followed and abided by every individual student in / around the school premises are:

  • It is mandatory for all students to be in the school premises 10 minutes prior the assembly. The students who have arrived late will not be permitted to enter the class without a permission slip signed by the principal.
  • Absolute silence should be maintained within the classrooms during teaching time and also during period breaks, so that teachers and students in other classes are not disturbed. Perfect decorum should be maintained.
  • Comics, magazines or any kind of explicit books will not be allowed & will be confiscated.
  • Students shouldn't bring valuable goods to school and belongings must be tagged to reduce the probability of losing.
  • Any student found using unfair means during the examination will be debarred from taking further exams apart from other strict actions.
  • The students are not allowed to drive a personal vehicle without a written consent signed by the parents and the principal both. The students are not permitted to leave the school premises at mid-school hours. The parents are also kindly requested not to encourage something similar.
  • Attending the parent-teacher meeting is a mandate for the students and their parents at the starting of each term (Summer, Dusshehra and Winter). The student who is absent on this day, 2 marks per subject would be deducted.
  • There will be more-examination for the students absent during exams and the promotion can also be on a halt.
  • All students are expected to join the school on the notified date of joining. There will be a fine of Rs. 50/- imposed on the students who would join late, unless they have informed the principal in a prior notice.
  • In-case of the child suffering from a contagious disease, the parents must inform the school. The parents must also send a clearance letter from the doctor that the student is fit to attend the regular classes.
  • A healthy attendance in class isn't just appreciated but also applauded during the flag assembly on the last day of the term. Hence, leave applications during the term will not be permitted and the parents should try and abide by it.