Guidelines for the Parents

It is not just the duty of the teacher to ensure a child's development, parents are equally responsible. Thus, it becomes the duty of the parents to keep a check on the performance of their child.

  • A school diary has been allotted to all the students which on regular basis with updated thus it is essential for the parents to read the school diary.
  • Any remarks written by the teacher or parents should be counter signed in the diary which will ensure that the message has been passed on to the concerned person.
  • Students missing the classes in mid-session for attending social functions will be discouraged.
  • Children should do their homework independently without the help of their parents or the least help required. This will help the students to develop a habit of studying.
  • Parents are not allowed to meet the ward in between the school hours, unless there is an emergency.
  • Private tuition is discouraged.
  • Since the school is an English Medium school, the children to be encouraged to make healthy conversations in English within the school premises and parents should encourage the same at home.
  • Parents are requested to ensure that the child is carrying the books according to the timetable allotted to them by their class teachers.
  • Parents should make a conscious effort to motivate their child to take part in sports, extra-curricular activities and other school events which will help them to develop an all-round personality.
  • Parents should make sure that the child is not wearing any valuable Jewelry or ornaments. Applying mehndi is also not accepted by the school.
  • Supplementary notices will be placed in the front cover flap of the school diary. The parents must acknowledge it.
  • It is mandatory to maintain the diary neatly till the end of the year and the student should carry it daily.
  • If there is something that the parent wants to communicate to the teachers or the school authority, they are permitted to write it in the dairy in the "Parents remarks request" column.
  • The students of St. Xavier's should not just be recognized by the school uniform but also by their code of conduct and behavior.