Code of Conduct For Students
The St. Xavier's High School expects from students, to behave appropriately. Appropriate behavior includes:
- Arriving at school on time.
- Attending all classes regularly and being in class on time.
- Bringing required materials to class.
- Completing assignments on time, having a good work ethic.
- Showing respect for oneself and for others.
- Defending the rights of others.
- Respecting school property & the property of other students.
- Cleaning up after one self.
- Working collaboratively & cooperatively, taking responsibility for one's actions or inactions.
- Following the school's dress code.
- Acting in the interests of the school. These expectations apply when students are on school grounds, are on school transport, or are at a school-sponsored activity/event. Each student has the right, to develop his/her abilities to the fullest; to be respected as an individual; and to have appropriate and effective means of expressing her/his opinion. Each student is expected to accept the responsibilities that are implied by those rights. To protect these rights, SXHS is committed to:
- The prevention of bullying & violence
- The elimination of discrimination based on culture, race, gender, disability
- The acceptance of differences: A student who is experiencing difficulties in any part of this Code of Conduct is encouraged to discuss these difficulties with an adult.
- The dress code helps maintain a positive learning environment free from distractions.
- SXHS expects students to come to school in uniform that are:
- Clean
- Neat
- All SXHS teachers are charged with enforcing the student's dress code. Parents and guardians are expected to help ensure that their children are dressed appropriately.
- Leaving the School Grounds: Students may not leave the premises during school hours unless the School Office has received authorization in the form of a written note or phone call from parents or guardians. Students in the Elementary School may leave school only if an adult escorts them. Students in the Secondary School, who have received permission from the Head of the Institution to leave school need to sign in at the School Office upon their return.
- Each class will be responsible for Looking after all class property. No books other than text books or library books may be brought to the school.
- Pupils are forbidden to bring crackers, explosives and other dangerous material to school. Disciplinary action will be taken against such offenders.
- Money should not be lent or borrowed, or articles exchanged.
- Students are forbidden to bring mobile/cell phones to school.
- Driving of vehicles to school by students is not allowed. In the event of them being caught doing so, the parent will be held responsible.
- The school is not responsible for goods or money lost. Therefore it is not advisable to bring any valuables (like expensive watches or ornaments) to school.
- A student who uses unfair means and/or receives or gives assistance to other in any form during tests/exams will be given zero in that Subject, and a warning letter. Repetition of the same will result in dismissal.